Year 7 Students - Enrolling your Laptop at Scotch Joining our mobile device manager. Start by opening Safari on your mac laptop. It's important to use safari for this step and not a different browser such as Google Chrome. Navigate to At the Microsoft Sign-in page, enter your full email address. This will usually take the format of your last name followed by your first initial, finished with ''. For example Enter your password. You may save your password if you wish or click 'not now'. Choose 'yes' when asked to Stay Signed in and ensure you check the 'Don't show this again' checkbox. Click Continue to install the MDM profile from Scotch College. Click 'OK' at the 'Profile Downloaded' dialog box. Open your mac's settings menu by clicking on the silver cog icon in your mac's dock. In the top left hand corner of the window, search for 'profiles' and click on Device Management. Double click on the Downloaded MDM Profile. Click 'Install...' to install the Scotch College Adelaide MDM profile. Enter your laptops password when prompted. Close Safari when prompted. In a moment the Scotch College Self-service app will open. When it does, install the 'Prepare my Device (Student)'. Please wait until the install finishes. You'll receive a notification on your mac that reads 'Preparation complete. The device is now ready to use.' Finally, see if you can locate the Google Chrome icon within the self-service app and click install when you locate it to install Google Chrome. Once it's finished installing, please launch Google Chrome by clicking on the icon in your Mac's dock. Once you've finished this step and your laptop is linked to our mobile device manager, please continue by following the guide linked here. (Guide still in progress)