Migrating your Canva Data
Migrating your Canva Data.
Follow the steps below to migrate your data over to the new Scotch College Adelaide Canva product.
Dont miss this step! Confirm you have access to the new Scotch College Adelaide Canva Team by using the guide linked here.
Check your access to this new Team on Canva.com by clicking on the Canva Team icon in the top right corner of your browser's display. You will see at least two Canva Teams listed both called Scotch College Adelaide. The old, legacy team has a blue icon while the new team has the icon of the Scotch College shield with a yellow background.
With this sub-menu window open, click on the old, legacy Canva Team (highlighted in the above screenshot) to access your old Canva data.
In the left hand menu, click on Projects. Select all the Canva designs you wish to migrate by clicking, holding and dragging to highlight many at once, or click the checkbox after hovering your mouse over each individual design.
- With you designs selected, click on the folder icon in the icon bar that's appeared along the bottom of your browser window. Click on create new to create and name a new folder. I've named my folder 'Migrated Copies'. Click on Move to new folder to copy all your designs to this new folder.
- Now, locate your new Migrated Copies folder and hover your mouse over that folder. Click on the ellipsis (the ... dots) icon and in the context menu that appears, click on copy to another team. Select the new Scotch College Adelaide Team (icon has a yellow background) and click copy.
Click again on the Canva Team icon in the top right corner of your browser's display. Select the new team which has the icon of the Scotch College shield with a yellow background and confirm that you can find your designs under this new team.
For any issues with Canva, please email helpdesk@scotch.sa.edu.au.