Adding passkeys if you already use Microsoft Authenticator
Passkeys are a faster, easier and more secure way to login on your phone and laptop.
If you already use Microsoft Authenticator multi factor authentication, you can quickly upgrade it to support passkeys.
Make sure your authenticator is upgraded to the latest version before starting.
Authenticator passkey upgrade process
1. Open Authenticator on your phone.
2. Click on the Scotch College Adelaide account with your school email.
3. Look for 'other ways to sign in' and click 'Create a passkey'
4. You will be asked to complete multifactor authentication and then it should say 'Passkey created'.
Enabling passkey auto login on Apple/IOS
1. Open Settings on your phone
2. Search for 'autofill and passwords'
3. Make sure 'Authenticator' is ticked

Next time you login to ScotchLife, Email or any other service on your phone, after entering your email you will be prompted to login with you password. Simply click 'continue', no more password or multifactor authentication.

Android tutorial coming soon