Platform SSO Setup Platform SSO Setup Platform Single Sign-On setup, to be performed on site at Scotch College. Open your Notification Centre by clicking on the date & time in your mac's menu bar (the bar that runs along the top of your mac's display. Click on the toast notification that reads "Registrations Required. Please register with Office365 login Scotch College". Please note that the example screenshot below reads differently. Click Continue at the Platform Single Sign-On Registration window, and enter your mac's password when prompted. Next, enter your Scotch College email & password and click 'sign-in'. You'll have to verify your identity using the Microsoft Authenticator app on your phone or via some other method. Finally, at the Enable your Entra ID Passkeywindow click 'Open System Settings' and allow the Company Portal app to act as a Passkey Provider. Missed this step? Open this window and check this settings by: MacOS 15 and above: Settings > General > AutoFill & Passwords > Ensure Company Portal toggle is onMacOS 14 and below: Settings > General > Passwords > Password Options > Ensure Company Portal toggle is on Restart your laptop. This restart is important as our systems won't show your device as compliant until after a restart. Finally, launch your browser of choice and navigate to this link. After a moment if it loads the Scotch College website, then your platform single sign on setup has been successful. If you see a failure message, look for a link on the failure message that asks you to log back in and try just this step up to two more times. Please contact for any difficulties setting this up or any queries if you receive any error messages.