Using Vivi Launch the Vivi application on your device. If it's not installed, Staff are able to download it from the self-service application on your mac. For all other users, please download and install from For help logging into Vivi, please see the guide linked here. Click on the building and room you wish to present in. In my example, I'm presenting in the Willsmore building, and am connecting to the vivi in the IT office (ITHQ). I've also favourited this room by clicking the star so that I'm able to select it more easily from the quick menu next time. When ready, Click Join Room. Click on the Share Screen icon. You are now presenting using vivi. In the quick menu that appears, you can stop your presentation, pause your screen or select hide to hide this menu bar during a presentation, among other options. You can visit the vivi support website for more detailed guides on all the features by clicking the link here. Please email for any further questions or assistance using Vivi.